Catalogue of Czech Television Programmes
Arthur is the Prchlík family darling Dalmatian and village pet. Grandma Prchlík is somewhat muddle-headed and lets a stray dog in by mistake. This Merlin is the spitting image of Arthur, just as beautiful but much naughtier. The neighbours soon lose track of which dog is which and many hilarious situations arise to plague the adults and delight the children.
SD | 76' | © 1995
director(s): V. Šimková-Plívová, D. Králová
producer(s): Czech Television, Ateliéry Zlín, AB Barandov
scriptwriter(s): K. Priščáková
director of photography: A. Holub
cast: P. Nový,V. Jeníková, V. Kaplanová, M. Reifová, K. Pulec and others
rights available: TV, Video
original language: Czech