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Vysoké hry ruské mafie

An unbelievable inside story of one of the most powerful and menacing criminal structures in the world - the Russian mafia. From the chaos of the Russian revolution, silently supported by the KGB and generations of the Communist establishment, emerged an efficient organization upon which depends the entire society. Neither Gorbachev's perestroika nor the fall of the Soviet Empire was able to challenge its power and wealth, and it has gradually become a real threat--even to the Western world. Invaluable personal contacts aided the makers of this program in gathering a massive amount of shocking authentic testimony, as well as till-now unreleased police footage. The film affords viewers an exclusive first-hand look behind the scenes at the results of mafia practices, at the often drastic and violent fight against the mafia, and even into the chambers of mafia boss headquarters. 1. OriginsA probe into the Russian mafia’s dark past. From the October Revolution a connection followed in Stalin’s Gulag between secret security units, crime world and the Communist presidents. 2. MetastasisOrganized crime and its various forms in present day Russia. During Gorbachev’s perestroika the Russian mafia gained power. Under Yeltsin it succeeds in thoroughly penetrating the official infrastructure. 3. Red Roof The connection between the mafia, the secret service, and governmental power in practical terms, and its influence on every day life. The shocking personal testimony of investigators and secret service agents reveals the organized crime’s connection to secret service, and even to the political scene-sparing not even the highest figures. 4. ExpansionThe penetration of the Russian mafia into Europe. Since 1991 the archives of Russian gangs have begun to include Europe–mainly the former satellite countries of the Soviet Union–and the USA.


SD | 4 x 57' | © 1999

director(s): Galim Kajumov
producer(s): Czech Television
scriptwriter(s): Galim Kajumov
director of photography: Karel Man

original language: Czech

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